
LD Reset Password

Element Overview

The “LD Reset Password” functionality in LearnDash provides a password reset form for users who have forgotten their password. This allows users to request a password reset link to regain access to their accounts.

What It Does:

  • Password Reset Form Element: The [ld_reset_password] shortcode produces a form where users can enter their email address to receive a password reset link. Users then follow the link to create a new password.
  • User Account Recovery: This form helps users recover access to their accounts if they forget their password.

Practical Usage:

  1. Dedicated Password Reset Page:
    • Purpose: Create a specific page where users can request a password reset.

Login Page:

  • Purpose: Include a link to the password reset page on the login page.

Support or Help Page:

  • Purpose: Provide users with a way to reset their password if they encounter issues.

Footer Section:

  • Purpose: Include a link to the password reset page in the footer for easy access.

Sidebar Widget:

  • Purpose: Add a link or form to the sidebar to help users quickly access the password reset functionality.


The “LD Reset Password” element is a form element that allows users to request a password reset if they have forgotten their password. It is essential for account recovery and user support. This element can be displayed on a dedicated password reset page, login page, support/help page, footer section, or sidebar widget to facilitate user access and recovery.