
LD Course List

LD Course List Element in LearnDash

The LD Course List element in LearnDash is a versatile tool designed to display a list of courses. This element can be used to showcase all available courses, specific categories of courses, or courses meeting certain criteria. It’s ideal for creating an organized and visually appealing catalog of courses on your LearnDash site.

Key Features:

  • Customization Options: Tailor the appearance and layout of your course list to match your site’s design. You can choose from various templates, list styles, and display settings.
  • Filtering and Sorting: Allow users to filter and sort courses by categories, tags, course progress, and more. This makes it easier for learners to find the courses they’re interested in.
  • Pagination: Manage large numbers of courses efficiently with pagination options, ensuring a user-friendly browsing experience.
  • Course Information Display: Each course in the list can display essential information such as the course title, description, instructor, enrollment status, and course progress.
  • Shortcode Integration: Use shortcodes to embed the course list element on any page or post, offering flexibility in content placement.

Use Cases:

  1. Course Catalog Page: Create a dedicated course catalog page where learners can browse through all available courses. Use filters and sorting options to enhance the user experience.
  2. Category-Specific Lists: Display courses specific to certain categories, such as beginner, intermediate, or advanced courses, or courses on particular subjects.
  3. Featured Courses: Highlight featured or popular courses on your homepage or landing pages to draw attention to key offerings.
  4. Personalized Learning Paths: Show learners their enrolled courses or recommend courses based on their progress and interests.
  5. Marketing and Promotions: Use the course list element in marketing campaigns to showcase special offers, new course launches, or limited-time promotions.

How It Works:

  1. Adding the Element: In the page or post editor, select the LD Course List element from the LearnDash elements menu.
  2. Configuring Settings: Customize the settings to define which courses to display. Options include filtering by category, tag, or specific course IDs.
  3. Design and Layout: Choose the layout style, such as grid or list view, and adjust the number of courses per page.
  4. Display Information: Select which details to show for each course, such as title, excerpt, featured image, and meta information like instructor name and course progress.
  5. Embedding and Publishing: Once configured, embed the course list element on the desired page or post using the provided shortcode or block editor. Publish the page to make the course list visible to users.

The LD Course List element is a powerful and flexible tool to enhance the organization and presentation of courses on your LearnDash-powered site, improving the overall learning experience for your users.