
LD Course Content

Element Overview

This element is designed to display the content of a course, specifically the list of lessons associated with a particular course. Each lesson is presented in an organized structure, and completed lessons are marked as such, providing clear progress indicators. By clicking on a lesson, users are redirected to its dedicated page, where they can access related content such as topics, quizzes, assignments, and materials, ensuring a seamless and interactive learning experience.

What It Does:

  • Course Structure Display: The [ld_course_content] shortcode generates an organized outline of all lessons, topics, and quizzes within the course. It provides:
    • A hierarchical view of the course structure
    • Links to individual lessons, topics, and quizzes
    • Progress indicators for each component.

Practical Usage:

  1. Course Page:
    • Purpose: Provide an overview of all lessons, topics, and quizzes within the course.

Lesson Page:

  • Purpose: Display related lessons, topics, and quizzes to provide context within the course.

User Dashboard:

  • Purpose: Show the user’s progress and remaining content for enrolled courses.

Sidebar Widget:

  • Purpose: Add a condensed view of the course outline in a sidebar widget for quick navigation.

Course Overview Page:

  • Purpose: Provide a detailed outline of all course components for potential students.


The “LD Course Content” element displays a detailed list of lessons, topics, and quizzes within a course, helping users navigate the course structure and track their progress. It can be used on course pages, lesson pages, user dashboards, sidebar widgets, and course overview pages to provide a clear and organised view of the course content.