
LD Group User List

Element Overview

The “LD Group User List” functionality in LearnDash is used to display a list of users within a specific group. This element helps group leaders and members see who is part of the group.

What It Does:

  • Group User List Display: The [ld_group_users] shortcode generates a list of users in a specified group, including:
    • User names
    • User profiles
    • Links to user profiles
  • Group Management Aid: Helps group leaders and members easily view and manage group membership.

Note –  Additionally there is a group id option available if  you provide group id here. So that particular group user list will be displayed.


The “LD Group User List” element displays a list of users within a specific group, aiding in group management and engagement. This element can be used on group pages, user dashboards, admin pages, group leader dashboards, and group overview pages to provide a clear and organised view of group members.